Saturday, March 14, 2009

Why is it we always fall for our best friends?

  • Is it because we know we can trust them?
  • Is it because we know them so well?
  • Is it because of the way they know exactly what's going on in our heads?
  • Or is it because they are there any day, anytime,anywhere without the promise of kisses, intimate touches or whispered sentiments of love?

I think we love them because they are there even when there is nothing in it for them except for that little glimmer of hope that maybe someday there will be.....

Someone once taught me a deeper level of friendship. She made me realise my mistakes, and capabilites. I felt the need to perform just to prove to her. I felt that i could trust her with all my secrets and stories. Just talking to her used to make me feel secure and comforting. I could feel her worries for me. She was always there to listen to my problems. She was a better friend to me than any i had met until then. I used to get worried every time she was unwell or even if she wouldnt answer my calls. Just knowing she was happy with somethin use to make me feel happy. I wondered at times, if this was friendship or something else. If i actually was falling in love with this person or was it just a feeling of caring towards a friend. It's a feeling i shall have with me for a life time. All i wanted her to know was that this was something which i did not expect in return. Even if she doesnt care, i shall always be there.

I have heard people say that Love is based on friendship, she told me that love w/o friendship is like fire without oxygen, even though it may light for now but later on it will collapse. Those moments in life where ur love may not be the same, ur friendship will get u thru.

Well if friendship is the foundation of love, and that true love is based on true friendship, then is it wrong to love your best friend ?


Anonymous said...

its not wrong, in fact its one of the things thats right!

Deepak said...

thanks for that rikin ...
thats wat i believe and i wish she had believed the same thing.

The Thoughtful Philosopher said...

In most of the cases, once you go from friendship to love, it's not possible to go back. I think that's what she's worried about: taking the risk of losing a good friend.