Saturday, March 14, 2009

IS Gaming addictive ?? Harmful ?? Wastage of Time ??
I have been a hardcore (computer) gamer and i can gaurentee that gaming can get as addictive as anything u have known ..., obv addictive means harmful also,
but i bet u did not know that video game/ computer game players have better visuomotor skills, such as their resistance to distraction,
their sensitivity to information in peripheral vision,
and their ability to count briefly presented objects than all the nonplayers.
Such enhanced abilities could be acquired by training with an action game, involving challenges to switch attention to different locations, but not with a game requiring concentration on single objects.
Gaming and the virtual world it creates is amazin.. My days in BIT have shown me that gaming can compensate for any flaws and put in a virtual dimension where u can aim and achieve. but wat u do not realise is that in games u get second chances and unlike life it can be loaded and saved and a loss in game can have a restart.
Its upto the person who plays the game to decide -
until when is he playing the game and when the game is playing him ....

1 comment:

shrill said...

as the wise old folks have always said.."anything in excess is harmful"...
good that some realise it...
pity others dont..