Sunday, March 29, 2009

Empty Success

It was one of the happiest moments in my life - when i had proved yet again to myself and to the world around me that a small success can make a world of difference. I needed this amll success cause i knew it would spark in me a desire to be enthusiastic and hardworking once again. I was looking at my photo on the computer screen which announced my achievement and a few words of appreciation from my head at my workplace. I only knew how much this success meant to me. After a few s,miles to myself, I looked up from my computer screen to see my colleague convincing a friend to buy something he did not actually need

I had pushed friends and relatives to buy products I was selling, and they had bought because I had asked them to. Weather they required it or not, they picked so that i could achieve what i wanted to. For the first time, As i saw, I realised how selfish i had been. I was focused only on my goal of selling products and not on the needs of my near and dear ones. Although none of them seemed to have minded, they indulgently bought what i was selling. Somewhere surely they must have thought, "I don't need this, but Deepak needs to reach his objectives - so why not?" I had unknowingly misused their selflessness for my own purpose.

I realized the meaning of sweet success for the first time. It does not mean words of praise or recognition... It comes from a deep feeling from within knowing that ur success had helped several others become more successful too and been honest.

Success that comes from a feeling that you have used someone or achieved it through wrong means, success that prickles at your conscience is empty success

People who are really admired are recognised by all, are legends and yet also have the pleasure of feeling that their success has helped several others achieve theur goals too. Gandhi, in becoming Mahatma, gifted my nation its freedom. A school teacher, in becoming Mother teresa, transformed millions of lives. Success is success, only if it comes by helping others to succeed.

I will sell a product to only those who truly need it. I will ensure that my next success brings excitment to every cell in my body and does not disappear in moments.. for it would have come by helping others too to succeed.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Lets postpone our Procastinations

"Quite often i decide not to procrastinate or postpone important things. But soon i find myself back in square one."

Procrastination has become the most dreadful of pshycological diseases that is swallowing the potential of humanity. Sooner u realise the ill effects of it, the better.

We understand the importance of health and fitness, but postpone our effortsin that direction. we realise the importance of financial planning and investment, but procrastinate taking the initiative in that direction. We comprehend the importance of our exams, but push our preps till it becomes a crisis. We find pushin papers into the pending folder the most convenient option.

All stress and tension in life is nothing but the accural of psychological pressure caused by the gap between when something should have been done and when it was evntually done. Procrastination is the most certain way to shorten one's lifespan. Postponement is the signature if underachievers.

Life will not postpone our death, Then why do we postpone our life??

Saturday, March 14, 2009

IS Gaming addictive ?? Harmful ?? Wastage of Time ??
I have been a hardcore (computer) gamer and i can gaurentee that gaming can get as addictive as anything u have known ..., obv addictive means harmful also,
but i bet u did not know that video game/ computer game players have better visuomotor skills, such as their resistance to distraction,
their sensitivity to information in peripheral vision,
and their ability to count briefly presented objects than all the nonplayers.
Such enhanced abilities could be acquired by training with an action game, involving challenges to switch attention to different locations, but not with a game requiring concentration on single objects.
Gaming and the virtual world it creates is amazin.. My days in BIT have shown me that gaming can compensate for any flaws and put in a virtual dimension where u can aim and achieve. but wat u do not realise is that in games u get second chances and unlike life it can be loaded and saved and a loss in game can have a restart.
Its upto the person who plays the game to decide -
until when is he playing the game and when the game is playing him ....

Why is it we always fall for our best friends?

  • Is it because we know we can trust them?
  • Is it because we know them so well?
  • Is it because of the way they know exactly what's going on in our heads?
  • Or is it because they are there any day, anytime,anywhere without the promise of kisses, intimate touches or whispered sentiments of love?

I think we love them because they are there even when there is nothing in it for them except for that little glimmer of hope that maybe someday there will be.....

Someone once taught me a deeper level of friendship. She made me realise my mistakes, and capabilites. I felt the need to perform just to prove to her. I felt that i could trust her with all my secrets and stories. Just talking to her used to make me feel secure and comforting. I could feel her worries for me. She was always there to listen to my problems. She was a better friend to me than any i had met until then. I used to get worried every time she was unwell or even if she wouldnt answer my calls. Just knowing she was happy with somethin use to make me feel happy. I wondered at times, if this was friendship or something else. If i actually was falling in love with this person or was it just a feeling of caring towards a friend. It's a feeling i shall have with me for a life time. All i wanted her to know was that this was something which i did not expect in return. Even if she doesnt care, i shall always be there.

I have heard people say that Love is based on friendship, she told me that love w/o friendship is like fire without oxygen, even though it may light for now but later on it will collapse. Those moments in life where ur love may not be the same, ur friendship will get u thru.

Well if friendship is the foundation of love, and that true love is based on true friendship, then is it wrong to love your best friend ?