I had pushed friends and relatives to buy products I was selling, and they had bought because I had asked them to. Weather they required it or not, they picked so that i could achieve what i wanted to. For the first time, As i saw, I realised how selfish i had been. I was focused only on my goal of selling products and not on the needs of my near and dear ones. Although none of them seemed to have minded, they indulgently bought what i was selling. Somewhere surely they must have thought, "I don't need this, but Deepak needs to reach his objectives - so why not?" I had unknowingly misused their selflessness for my own purpose.

I realized the meaning of sweet success for the first time. It does not mean words of praise or recognition... It comes from a deep feeling from within knowing that ur success had helped several others become more successful too and been honest.
People who are really admired are recognised by all, are legends and yet also have the pleasure of feeling that their success has helped several others achieve theur goals too. Gandhi, in becoming Mahatma, gifted my nation its freedom. A school teacher, in becoming Mother teresa, transformed millions of lives. Success is success, only if it comes by helping others to succeed.

I will sell a product to only those who truly need it. I will ensure that my next success brings excitment to every cell in my body and does not disappear in moments.. for it would have come by helping others too to succeed.