People have become so jobless that they have nothing else to do except keep sue others. Even the animated and imaginary world of cartoons is being dragged in. Can't people just take humor as it comes. Every humor comes with some criticism from someone. That does not mean people start suing humor at every level they possibly find a chance to.
Tintin is being sued. If i remember, he was just a comic hero. People who don't appreciate his comics and find fault should rather mind their own work. Recently an indian court had canceled a petition on suing a tv program "sach ka samna", stating that people who dont like the program or get offended should just switch of their tv sets.
People have become so agitated that they want excitment in everything. The death of CM of AndhraPradesh is seen more for excitment rather than mourning for loss of a leader. People have build this tendancies to create problems for anything they possibly can.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Someone save us from Banglore Traffic Police
Most of the corruption and grudge complaints from common people are towards the traffic police department who are famous in collecting fines which exceeds many times the salary of their whole department which shows that the traffic cops don't have any respect in the minds of the common people....
Recently my friend, whose name is to be kept anonymous, had accidentally parked his new Karizma bike in a no parking zone in J.P.Nagar as the sign board was missing no one could recognize it was a no parking area, he parked and went to buy some medicine(thats wat he told me) - out of the blue came the "Tiger" sweet name for traffic toll vehicle from which two heavily built men came and just tossed the vehicle into the toll van even though my friend pleaded that he will pay the fine on the spot, guess what the police man didnt even listen to his plea. they couldnt have cared less and just left off with the intention cause they will lose their toll money. His new bike was so badly scratched that it was looking like a seconds old vehicle...
Nowadays it's a mystery to park vehicles in B'lore. Park your vehicles & when u come back it'll be not in the spot. Who knows whether it's the police who took it or some thief (Though there's no difference between both)
Agreed they put in lot of effort in regulating the traffic amidst hot sun or heavy rain (or however harsh the weather may be). The only complaint I have is that they don’t treat everyone equally. If someone doesn’t slow down but speeds away, these cops make no attempt to chase them and fine them. They don’t have the determination to make everyone (irrespective of their financial or social position) who breaks a rule to pay fine but need some bakras to cough up some money and usually middle class people traveling on two wheelers become easy targets. We hardly see any car drivers/RTC buses asked to pull over though truck drivers are targeted sometimes (probably because if couple of cars are stopped, there’ll be traffic jam…) Extremely rich people go Scot free, either because these cops don’t dare question them or the rich people easily scare these cops quoting their “high level contacts”. Extremely poor people are also eventually let free, because they have nothing to cough up. Only middle class people end up paying fine (or giving bribe).
well wat you should do.
- Keep minimum cash in your wallet. These people are also human and are kind enough. If you can show them that all you have is 70 rupees, chances are that they will take Rs 50, let you go. If you have several crisp notes (100's), it will be very very difficult to defend yourself or your money. Keep that extra cash elsewhere.
- Keep all papers (RC, Insurance, DL, emission etc) handy.
- Always agree to them. Don’t enter into heated argument. That will make things worse.
- Never reveal you’re in extreme hurry. These cops have no value for your time. Stay calm, wait for some time, your chances improve.
If you have no fault with you (you have all documents, not violated any rules etc) then there shouldn’t be a problem.
Please suggest any more tips __ comments and experience welcomed.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

pls note : these tips are orignaly my ideas and i take full responsibility for them not working, if ever they dont, but, for my friends and people i know - better use these than go in blindly.
- A Trader observes the current change in market and decides while a experienced trader predicts the market reaction and makes a decision. A succesful buisnessman, the one you should try to be, would predict the reaction of common ppl to the change in market and thereby make his decision.
- Remember you are not the only clever person trading. i.e. any new idea which you come across might have striked some other person(s) who have been there in this market world for a longer time and have a bit more stability in making decision and they may have seen a flaw in the idea which you managed to overlook. So, try to look over the obvious details.
- Nothing in life is Absolutely Free. people who try to get something for nothing mostly endup getting nothing for something. Everything comes with a price, its just you who decide if the price paid is worth the returns. eg: Investing 90 lakh rupees today and getting 91 Lakh rupees after a year. Sounds like a fair benefitial deal but what we miss out is that the value of 90 lakh after a year is more than 91 lakhs..
- Gambling, a very common word used for trading, is completly different. A person can gamble blindly in shares, hope good luck to him, but you should not. No matter how lucky you feel dont ever gamble away your money blindly.
- "Okay now, I am done." You should know when and where to draw the line. A true winner is the one who quits when he is at the top of his game, no offence intended eg.. saurav ganguly should have quit when he was treated as a champion and not have waited till he was kicked out, Greed is the cause why people loose so much, when someone sees profit. so dont try to get it all.
- Remeber your basic morals, like a bird in hand is worth two in a bush. i know it sounds dumb but trust me these small things are what people end up forgetting causing them to loose big time.
- Always listen to the tips from everyone. Hey, am asking you to listen to them from one year and leave it out the other, ofcourse you have exceptions of those tips which do help a lot. Be really selective.
- Always trust the Big Shots over Small companies, when you have no idea about either one. Reason being that the big shots have a lower probability to poof disappear of the trading charts and they generally end up bouncing back.
- Contradicting the first point, Big shots are not always the best choice if you know about a smaller company and know how its doing in the real world, its better to differ from the crowd then and only then.
dont PANIC!!!!!! If you see market rising steadily or droping really fast. Stay xtra calm. - Try to invest/ buy when the share price go low compared to the prev week's/month's average and then set a target price at which you want to sell it. Do sell the share at your target price even if the market is rising rapidly.
- Dont invest more than required. specially not to overcome or average a loss.
- Avoid intraday trading even if it costs less brokrage charge and gives faster returns, the risk is higher. Prefer intraday trading only when you know trading in detail.
- Always have a friend, who dose not agree with you on almost anything, to consult. That way you will be able to see both sides. This is very important as a lot of times people easly fall for attractive offers.. most of you dont have to worry about that cause am there, but a few of you who end up not arguing with me pls search for some one you do argue with.
- Dont need to be a news freak, but do follow it up as often as possible.
pls comment your views ... as this is still to be fully updated.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Jumbo Can'T JumP

I went over to the circus gatekeeper and got permission provided we didnt feed them. Walking along side the tents the kids were exitedly looking at the animals in their cages - camel, horse, mule. variety of birds. In the last tent there were elephants. We peeped in to the tent and saw three elephants and a calf. I was surprised to see that each of them was tied with a rope - with one end to their front leg and other to a stake in ground. No chains and no cages for the Mighty Beasts. It seemed peculiar that birds had a cage but elephants didnt.

Neeraj innocently asked me... " Deepak, why are the elephants tied up?" I replied, "to stop them from running away". he contemplated & continued, "But they are so big and can break logs wont it be easy for them to break and run away. Why dont they?" I noticed an animal trainer nearby, went to him and asked him why the elephants made no attempts to escape?
"Well," he said, "when the elephants were very young and much smaller we used the same kind of rope to tie them. By the time the elephants grow to full size, they are conditioned to believe the ropes are unbreakable. They think rope can still hold them, so they have given up trying to break free."
The explanation satisfied neeraj's curiosity but i was astonished. The scene was typically ironic. The ropes were no more than Obsolete relics. A firm pull and the ropes would snap. But the elephants did not seem to care for a tug. In fact, I think the elephants were not even conscious of ropes any more. It would seem the animal had no desire to test their boundaries. Jumbo's couldn't jump their own ropes; they were prisioners of a self-limiting belief.

If drawn parallels between the Jumbo's and us, Such self-limiting beliefs prevent all of us from fully realising our full potential. These dream stealers impose boundaries even on our desires and imagination. How many such Relics are we unconsciously burdened with? How many of us go through life holding a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once earlier?
There are no limits for human potential. It's we who limit our own growth
I, Choose to live up my full potential. I will consciouslyfind such self-limiting beliefs and challenge them.
BETTER A BROKEN ROPE THAN A WITHERED SPIRITThink beyond whats obvious ... dj
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Empty Success
It was one of the happiest moments in my life - when i had proved yet again to myself and to the world around me that a small success can make a world of difference. I needed this amll success cause i knew it would spark in me a desire to be enthusiastic and hardworking once again. I was looking at my photo on the computer screen which announced my achievement and a few words of appreciation from my head at my workplace. I only knew how much this success meant to me. After a few s,miles to myself, I looked up from my computer screen to see my colleague convincing a friend to buy something he did not actually need
I had pushed friends and relatives to buy products I was selling, and they had bought because I had asked them to. Weather they required it or not, they picked so that i could achieve what i wanted to. For the first time, As i saw, I realised how selfish i had been. I was focused only on my goal of selling products and not on the needs of my near and dear ones. Although none of them seemed to have minded, they indulgently bought what i was selling. Somewhere surely they must have thought, "I don't need this, but Deepak needs to reach his objectives - so why not?" I had unknowingly misused their selflessness for my own purpose.

I realized the meaning of sweet success for the first time. It does not mean words of praise or recognition... It comes from a deep feeling from within knowing that ur success had helped several others become more successful too and been honest.
I had pushed friends and relatives to buy products I was selling, and they had bought because I had asked them to. Weather they required it or not, they picked so that i could achieve what i wanted to. For the first time, As i saw, I realised how selfish i had been. I was focused only on my goal of selling products and not on the needs of my near and dear ones. Although none of them seemed to have minded, they indulgently bought what i was selling. Somewhere surely they must have thought, "I don't need this, but Deepak needs to reach his objectives - so why not?" I had unknowingly misused their selflessness for my own purpose.

I realized the meaning of sweet success for the first time. It does not mean words of praise or recognition... It comes from a deep feeling from within knowing that ur success had helped several others become more successful too and been honest.
Success that comes from a feeling that you have used someone or achieved it through wrong means, success that prickles at your conscience is empty success
People who are really admired are recognised by all, are legends and yet also have the pleasure of feeling that their success has helped several others achieve theur goals too. Gandhi, in becoming Mahatma, gifted my nation its freedom. A school teacher, in becoming Mother teresa, transformed millions of lives. Success is success, only if it comes by helping others to succeed.

I will sell a product to only those who truly need it. I will ensure that my next success brings excitment to every cell in my body and does not disappear in moments.. for it would have come by helping others too to succeed.
People who are really admired are recognised by all, are legends and yet also have the pleasure of feeling that their success has helped several others achieve theur goals too. Gandhi, in becoming Mahatma, gifted my nation its freedom. A school teacher, in becoming Mother teresa, transformed millions of lives. Success is success, only if it comes by helping others to succeed.

I will sell a product to only those who truly need it. I will ensure that my next success brings excitment to every cell in my body and does not disappear in moments.. for it would have come by helping others too to succeed.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Lets postpone our Procastinations
"Quite often i decide not to procrastinate or postpone important things. But soon i find myself back in square one."
Procrastination has become the most dreadful of pshycological diseases that is swallowing the potential of humanity. Sooner u realise the ill effects of it, the better.
We understand the importance of health and fitness, but postpone our effortsin that direction. we realise the importance of financial planning and investment, but procrastinate taking the initiative in that direction. We comprehend the importance of our exams, but push our preps till it becomes a crisis. We find pushin papers into the pending folder the most convenient option.

All stress and tension in life is nothing but the accural of psychological pressure caused by the gap between when something should have been done and when it was evntually done. Procrastination is the most certain way to shorten one's lifespan. Postponement is the signature if underachievers.
Life will not postpone our death, Then why do we postpone our life??
Saturday, March 14, 2009
IS Gaming addictive ?? Harmful ?? Wastage of Time ??
I have been a hardcore (computer) gamer and i can gaurentee that gaming can get as addictive as anything u have known ..., obv addictive means harmful also,
but i bet u did not know that video game/ computer game players have better visuomotor skills, such as their resistance to distraction,
their sensitivity to information in peripheral vision,
and their ability to count briefly presented objects than all the nonplayers.
Such enhanced abilities could be acquired by training with an action game, involving challenges to switch attention to different locations, but not with a game requiring concentration on single objects.
Gaming and the virtual world it creates is amazin.. My days in BIT have shown me that gaming can compensate for any flaws and put in a virtual dimension where u can aim and achieve. but wat u do not realise is that in games u get second chances and unlike life it can be loaded and saved and a loss in game can have a restart.
Its upto the person who plays the game to decide -
until when is he playing the game and when the game is playing him ....
I have been a hardcore (computer) gamer and i can gaurentee that gaming can get as addictive as anything u have known ..., obv addictive means harmful also,
but i bet u did not know that video game/ computer game players have better visuomotor skills, such as their resistance to distraction,
their sensitivity to information in peripheral vision,
and their ability to count briefly presented objects than all the nonplayers.
Such enhanced abilities could be acquired by training with an action game, involving challenges to switch attention to different locations, but not with a game requiring concentration on single objects.
Gaming and the virtual world it creates is amazin.. My days in BIT have shown me that gaming can compensate for any flaws and put in a virtual dimension where u can aim and achieve. but wat u do not realise is that in games u get second chances and unlike life it can be loaded and saved and a loss in game can have a restart.
Its upto the person who plays the game to decide -
until when is he playing the game and when the game is playing him ....
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